Travis Kelce Reacts to Taylor Swift’s VMAs Speech

Travis Kelce is Taylor Swift’s number one supporter.

Despite not being able to cheer for his girlfriend at the 2024 MTV Video Music Awards, Travis still found a way to show his love online. After Taylor snagged the Video of the Year award for “Fortnight” with Post Malone, he liked a post on MTV’s Instagram sharing her acceptance speech. The caption read, “One person ONLY cheers louder for @taylorswift than I do–and that’s @killatrav 🥰 #VMAs.”

Taylor, during her speech, gave a heartfelt shoutout to Travis. She mentioned how he’d always add “fun and magic” to their shoots. She recalled finishing takes and hearing someone enthusiastically cheering ‘woo’ from across the studio, which always turned out to be Travis.

Everything this man touches turns magical and fun; we all need someone like that in our lives! ✨

Before the awards show began, Travis wished Taylor good luck on an episode of their podcast with his brother Jason Kelce. He mentioned she was up for about ten awards and hoped she’d win some of those cool moon men trophies.

And win she did! Besides Video of the Year, Taylor took home Artist of the Year, Best Collaboration, Best Pop, Best Direction, Best Editing, and Song of Summer. With these wins, she now holds 30 VMAs in total – making her the most-awarded female artist in VMA history.

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