Prince William & Kate Middleton Send Note to Cancer Widow

Prince William and Kate Middleton sent a heartfelt letter to a woman who recently lost her husband to cancer while Kate was undergoing her own treatment.

During a 2023 visit to Wales, the royals met pizza vendor Pete Morris, owner of the Little Dragon Pizza Van. After Pete’s passing, William and Kate wrote a condolence letter on Kensington Palace stationery addressed to Pete’s wife, Tracey, which was read during his funeral.

“We were deeply saddened by the news of your husband Pete’s passing and wanted to express our sincerest condolences. Catherine and I can scarcely comprehend the enormous void his absence will create in your life,” they wrote. “Our hearts go out to you and your family.”

They continued by acknowledging Pete’s significant contributions to his community, noting the widespread sorrow following his death. “While this letter might not lessen your grief, we want you to know we’re thinking of you.”

Sometimes we forget how much small acts of kindness can impact others.

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Tracey shared with The Sun that receiving the note was a tremendous surprise and meant so much because Pete had left such an impression on them. “I donโ€™t even know how they found out Pete had died,” Tracey said. “It may have touched them more since Kate is also going through treatment.”

She added that many people sent letters about how wonderful Pete was, but William and Kate’s note stood out as particularly special. The framed letter now holds a place of honor for Tracey’s two young daughters. ๐Ÿ’Œ

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